Internship Project
Cultural and Social Sciences

Naomi Wilzig Art Collection. A collection on the cultural history of sexuality

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,
Research Center for the Cultural History of Sexuality
Subject Area
History of Sexuality, Gender Studies, Material Culture Studies, Museum Studies, Art History
Position filled
Project Supervisor(s)
Prof. Dr. Andreas Kraß
Hannes Hacke
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students
Graduate students
Further Information
Project Type
Academic Research
Project Content
The objective of the project “Naomi Wilzig Art Collection” is the documentation, research, and exhibition of the collection of the World Erotic Art Museum (Miami, USA). The aim is to make the objects and the collection history accessible to scientific research, to make the collection known to a broader public through exhibitions, online presentation and publications, and to develop formats of object based learning on sexuality in university education.
Tasks for Interns
Documentation and description of objects from the collection, data management, curatorial and research assistance, public relations
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students
Graduate students
  • Intermediate skills in MS Excel and Word; 
  • Interest in history of sexuality/gender studies and/or art history;
  • Experience with collection database (optional)
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For more information on the Humboldt Internship Program or the project, please contact the program coordinator.