
Biologie, Musikwissenschaft oder doch lieber Politik? Die Vielzahl an Forschungsprojekten und Start-up-Teams lässt keine Wünsche offen – ganz sicher ist auch für Sie ein spannendes Thema dabei.

Biology and Neuroscience Chemistry Computer Sciences Cultural and Social Sciences Physics Psychology Start-Ups and Entrepreneurship

Biology and Neuroscience

Subject Area
Evolutionary Biology, Vertebrate Paleontology
Summer Term Internship
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (at least 2nd year)
Graduate students
PhD students
Subject Area
Systems Medicine of the Liver
Position filled
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (at least 2nd year)
Graduate students
PhD students
Subject Area
Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Molecular Genetics
Position filled
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (at least 2nd year)
Graduate students

Subject Area
Motor Imagery, Psychology, Neuroscience
Position filled
Academic Level
  • Advanced undergraduate students
  • Graduate students
  • PhD students


Subject Area
Metalorganic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, Photocatalysis
Position filled
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (at least 2nd year)
Graduate students
PhD students

Computer Sciences

Subject Area
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Position filled
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (at least 2nd year)
Graduate students
PhD students
Subject Area
Software Engineering Group
Position filled
Academic Level
  • Advanced undergraduate students
  • Graduate students
  • PhD students

Cultural and Social Sciences

Subject Area
African History, Military History, Gender Studies, Refugee Studies
Position filled
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (at least 2nd year);
Graduate students
Subject Area
Literary Studies, Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, Queer History
Position filled
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (3rd or 4th year)
Graduate students
Subject Area
History of Sexuality, Gender Studies, Material Culture Studies, Museum Studies, Art History
Position filled
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students
Graduate students
Subject Area
Area Studies, Political Science, Political Sociology, Democracy, Politics and Religion, Secularism
Position filled
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (at least 2nd year)
Graduate students
PhD students
Subject Area
Social Sciences, Area Studies
Position filled
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (3rd or 4th year)
Graduate students
PhD students


Subject Area
Theory of excitations in low-dimensional systems
  • Summer Term Internship
  • Individual Timeframe Internship
  • Online Internship
Academic Level
  • Advanced undergraduate students
  • Graduate students
  • PhD students
Subject Area
Experimental Particle Physics
Position filled
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (3rd or 4th year)
Subject Area
Theoretical Physics (Theoretical Atomic and Molecular Physics)
Summer Term Internship
Individual Timeframe Internship
Online Internship (provided certain conditions are met)
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (at least 2nd year)
Graduate students
PhD students
Subject Area
Theoretical Physics (Theoretical Atomic and Molecular Physics / Theoretical Quantum Optics)
Summer Term Internship
Individual Timeframe Internship
Online Internship
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (at least 2nd year)
Graduate students
PhD students
Subject Area
Integrated Quantum Photonics Group
  • Summer Term Internship
  • Individual Timeframe Internship
Academic Level
  • Advanced undergraduate students
  • Graduate students
  • PhD students
Subject Area
Atomic physics, quantum optics, experimental physics
Position filled
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (3rd or 4th year)
Subject Area
Theoretical Physics (Theoretical Atomic and Molecular Physics / Theoretical Quantum Optics)
Summer Term Internship
Individual Timeframe Internship
Online Internship
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (at least 2nd year)
Graduate students
PhD students


Subject Area
Perceptual Psychology
Position filled
Academic Level
Graduate students

Start-Ups and Entrepreneurship

Interested students have the opportunity to gain insights into university start-ups and the diversity of the Berlin start-up scene. The Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin offers its students a career path of starting a business and has therefore established its own Start-Up Service. The start-ups at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin operate at the interface between science and business. The teams supported by the Start-Up Service are in the initial phase of setting up a company. In addition to the subject-specific tasks, interns have the opportunity to experience how a scientific idea is turned into a marketable company: From product development to the creation of the business model to the preparation of the business plan. In the course of the internship, they also have the opportunity to participate in events that serve to network the founders within and outside the university.

Subject Area
Branding, Marketing, Media
Position filled
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (at least 2nd year)
Graduate students
PhD students
Subject Area
Information Technology, Web Development, Computer Science
Position filled
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (at least 2nd year)
Graduate students
PhD students
Subject Area
Summer Term Internship
Individual Timeframe Internship
Online Internship
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (3rd or 4th year)
Graduate students
PhD students
Subject Area
Branding, Marketing, Media
Position filled
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (at least 2nd year)
Graduate students
PhD students
Subject Area
Computer Science
Summer Term Internship
Individual Timeframe Internship
Online Internship
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (3rd or 4th year)
Graduate students
PhD students
Subject Area
Software Engineering, Front-End Development
Summer Term Internship
Individual Timeframe Internship
Online Internship
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (at least 2nd year)
Graduate students
PhD students
Subject Area
IT, Software Development
Summer Term Internship
Individual Timeframe Internship
Online Internship
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (at least 2nd year)
Graduate students
PhD students
Subject Area
Startup, New Work, Psychology, Marketing, Entrepreneurship
Summer Term Internship
Individual Timeframe Internship
Academic Level
Graduate students
PhD students
Subject Area
Social Media, Business Development
Summer Term Internship
Individual Timeframe Internship
Online Internship
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (3rd or 4th year)
Graduate students
PhD students
Subject Area
Knowledge Communication, Visualization of academic content
Summer Term Internship
Individual Timeframe Internship
Online Internship
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (at least 2nd year)
Graduate students
PhD students
Subject Area
Hybrid App Development, Web Development
Summer Term Internship
Individual Timeframe Internship
Online Internship
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (at least 2nd year)
Graduate students
PhD students
Subject Area
Online Marketing, Social Media Marketing
Summer Term Internship
Individual Timeframe Internship
Online Internship
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (at least 2nd year)
Graduate students
PhD students

Die Liste kann geändert werden. Bestehende Projekte können jederzeit ohne weitere Ankündigung geändert und neue Projekte können hinzugefügt werden.