Internship Project
Cultural and Social Sciences

Secularity, Islam, and Democracy in Indonesia and Turkey

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 
Institute for Asian and African Studies
Subject Area
Area Studies, Political Science, Political Sociology, Democracy, Politics and Religion, Secularism
Position filled
Project Supervisor(s)
Dr. Saskia Schäfer
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (at least 2nd year)
Graduate students
PhD students
English (The languages used in the project are English, Indonesian, and Turkish.)
Further Information
Project Type
Academic Research
Project Content
In our research group, we study phases of democratization and authoritarianization in Indonesia and Turkey from a comparative and transnational perspective. We explore how the cooperation and competition among religious, economic, and political elites have driven the current democratic stagnation and/or decline. From a more theoretical perspective, we also ask what varying understandings of democracy underpin the current developments in and assessments of the recent political systems in Indonesia and Turkey.
In 2021, we are also conducting a project on democracy and interfaith initiatives, funded by the Berlin University Alliance. This project comprises of several digital roundtables, a website, and one or two publications.
Tasks for Interns
Tasks will be summarizing academic articles, preparing content for the project website and social media channels, assisting the group publications through readings and discussions, and depending on language skills – the gathering and analysis of primary sources in text or interview form. If interested, the intern is also welcome to co-teach during several sessions of the summer term.
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (at least 2nd year)
Graduate students
PhD students
The main requirements are the ability to work independently and in a team, as well as to communicate clearly and efficiently. Basic skills in literature review are expected.
Expected Preparation
In preparation, the student should read a set of key texts on democracy and religion in order to understand the background and aims of the project. I will provide the texts ahead of the internship.
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For more information on the Humboldt Internship Program or the project, please contact the program coordinator.