Internship Project

Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 with heterodinuclear catalysts based on earth abundant metals

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Subject Area
Metalorganic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, Photocatalysis
Position filled
Project Supervisor(s)
Martin Obermeier, Dr. Matthias Schwalbe (PI)
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (at least 2nd year)
Graduate students
PhD students
Further Information
Project Type
Academic Research
Project Content
The project's goal is to develop and investigate inter- and intramolecular catalytic systems for the light-driven reduction of carbon dioxide. The photosensitizer and the catalytic units will be based on non-noble metal compounds, such as Cr, Mo or Cu in the first case and Fe, Co or Ni in the later. The catalytic performance will be determined in dependence of the used solvent, sacrificial electron donor and other relevant parameters. Photosensitizer-catalyst dyads with varying linker units will be synthesized as well. Mechanistic studies should provide more insight into the energy and electron transfer processes within the photocatalytic systems (inter- and intramolecular).
Tasks for Interns
Research placement involves an organic and inorganic synthesis of metal complexes built up of macrocyclic ligands with a different sulfur-containing donor set. Investigations on the catalytic properties of the complexes in the CO2 activation will be of high priority.
Academic Level
Advanced undergraduate students (at least 2nd year)
Graduate students
PhD students
Lab experience is required; 
some knowledge of working under an inert atmosphere is preferable;
Knowledge of standard analytic technics;
Basic knowledge of coordination chemistry;
Motivation to conduct photocatalytic experiments
Expected Preparation
The placement preparation will be discussed with the project supervisors and will mainly involve literature studies on the topic.
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For more information on the Humboldt Internship Program or the project, please contact the program coordinator.