Internship Project

Modeling the visual consequences of saccadic eye movements

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Department of Psychology
Active Perception and Cognition group
Subject Area
Perceptual Psychology
Position filled
Project Supervisor(s)
Prof. Dr. Martin Rolfs
Academic Level
Graduate students
English, German
Further Information
Project Type
Academic Research
Project Content
The internship's goal is to implement a geometrical model of the human eye, including its optical projections on the sensory surface of the retina. This model will then be used to simulate the consequences of rapid eye movements for displacements of the projected retinal image. 
These simulations will be used to generate visualizations of changes in the retinal image as a consequence of eye movements and provide the basis for developing psychophysical experiments on vision.
Tasks for Interns
The intern will have three tasks: 
(1) Implement a geometrical model of the human eye, including its optical projections on the sensory surface of the retina; 
(2) Simulate the consequences of rapid eye movements for displacements of the projected retinal image; 
(3) Generate visualizations of changes in the retinal image as a consequence of eye movements.
Academic Level
Graduate students
  • Strong interest in perceptual psychology and visual neuroscience; 
  • Background in math and/or physics; 
  • Ability to program in Matlab, Python or Julia.
Expected Preparation
Will be discussed with the applicant.
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For more information on the Humboldt Internship Program or the project, please contact the program coordinator.