Internship Project

Optical coherent control of Tin Vacancy centers in Diamond

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Subject Area
Integrated Quantum Photonics Group
  • Summer Term Internship
  • Individual Timeframe Internship
Project Supervisor(s)
Dr. Joseph Munns,
Dr. Tim Schröder
Academic Level
  • Advanced undergraduate students
  • Graduate students
  • PhD students
Further Information
Project Type
Academic research
Project Content
The tin-vacancy (SnV) is a promising new system for applications in quantum technology applications. A fundamental requirement is the ability to coherently manipulate the spin state of a quantum emitter. Optical spin control of a single SnV will be investigated for the first time. Developing these techniques will enable the first direct measurement of the SnV spin coherence time (through a Hahn-echo measurement), an important metric for quantum applications. These methods enable tailored sequences for environmental decoupling.
Tasks for Interns
  • Build optical set up for pulse carving;
  • Calculation and implementation of Ramsey/Hahnecho.
Academic Level
  • Advanced undergraduate students
  • Graduate students
  • PhD students
  • Highly motivated;
  • Experience with optical set ups;
  • Experience with programming (python).
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For more information on the Humboldt Internship Program or the project, please contact the program coordinator.